Change Makers Code of Conduct

Change Makers classes might feel very different to the type of learning you experience in other modules. There is often a lot of discussion, and the classes might feel quite informal.

In order for this informality to be an effective place to learn, and for our classes to feel inclusive for all students, we need to each take personal responsibility for our behaviour and conduct during, between and beyond classes.

Please refer to our page on bullying and harassment to see how we tackle these issues should they arise.

Change Makers Values

In order to get the most out of your learning with us, and to help your fellow students get the most out of their learning we encourage you to inhabit these values in the classroom and in your relationships with others:

  • respect for difference and diversity
  • generosity of spirit
  • kindness and care for others
  • willingness to listen and empathise
  • confidence to offer your opinions, ideas and perspectives to others
  • bravery to stand up against discrimination, poor behaviour, bullying and harassment
  • pleasure in sharing with others
  • awareness of and sensitivity to how you and other people might be feeling
  • recognising, taking responsibility and apologising when we (even unintentionally) cause upset or hurt to others
Our Contract of Responsibility

As a teacher I will:

  • promote inclusivity in the classroom
  • invite a culture of kindness and support between students, and between the students and teachers
  • explain why you are encouraged to learn in certain ways
  • support you in your learning, work and assessment
  • always be willing to answer questions from you
  • be available to offer support and advice about your Change Makers module, wider studies and life (I might not always be able to help directly, but I am happy to listen and to help you find the support you need)
  • help you negotiate the complexities of Change Makers learning, including managing emotions associated with learning such as nervousness, fear of failure, confusion, uncertainty – and – of course – joy and excitement
  • help you to understand that Change Makers learning might appear simple and easy, but is actually incredibly challenging
  • help you to take appropriate risks in your learning
  • help you to reflect on your learning and the skills you are developing
  • help and challenge you to delve deeper within your work and try things that you might not have considered before
  • champion and celebrate your work
  • enjoy getting to know you as a person, a student and a scientist, engineer or medic

As a student I will:

  • be open to learning in new ways
  • listen to the teachers (they have a lot of experience of helping me learn in these different ways)
  • always be prepared to ask questions
  • ask as many questions as I need to ensure that I understand what I am working on
  • ask for feedback and help with activities and assessments (there is no limit to the feedback that will be provided)
  • communicate freely with the teacher about any concerns I have about my work, workload outside the module or my studies in general
  • take responsibility for completing my work on time, including discussing any difficulties with my teacher and allowing the teacher to help me strategise my workload or schedule my work so that I can complete my work on time
  • be prepared to work with other students, listen to new ideas from other students and always treat other students with respect
  • discuss any concerns I have about my work or relationship with other students with my teacher – this is not getting someone in trouble, it is a responsible way to explore how issues can be resolved respectfully and maturely
  • share any worries (or joys) that I have about your learning with my teacher
  • engage in my classes as actively as possible – join in, ask questions, work during class time (so that I can relax when I get home), collaborate, create and enjoy learning – this applies just the same whether my class is on campus, hybrid or online
  • enjoy getting to know my teacher and use as much of their expertise and support as I can
Last Updated 24th September 2023